spigian wrote:I would like to ask you, if I remember correct that you have permission from Revolution right?So there is no fear about you right?
Yes they received "green light" in regard to that point.
A quote from an german interview:
Daniel Butterworth:
[...]Charles Cecil und sein Vize Tony Warriner gaben uns sofort grünes Licht als sie von unserem Titel hörten und unterstützten uns auch in technischer Hinsicht. Auf der letztjährigen Games Convention präsentierten wir erstmals unser Projekt und das was bis dato fertig war Revolution Software, die aus dem Staunen nicht mehr herauskamen.[...]
Which means nothing more than.. "Charles Cecil and his vice Tony Warriner gave us "green light" as they heard about our title and supported us also in technical questions. At the Games Convention last year we presented our project what was finished till then to Revolution Software which were finally greatly astonished."
Unfortunatelly, this site is german and I can not understand many things in this forum!This is why perhaps you should have English voices in the game .
But the game will be released with english subtitles so you can understand all of the game . You dont have to forget that this is not an official game production, its a fan project.
So its very difficult enough to get the original and professional synchronizer who work for no budget from one country. It would be too difficult to collect all professional synchro voices from each country.
We germans have often or sometimes to fight with english voices in games and german subtitles which we dont have to complain about it.
And the german voice of goerge is really cool , believe me :D
But maybe you receive the englisch synchro voices in the near future , who knows . Lets look forward to the release version and lets see then.
@ U-Bahn
the Kings Quest fan project and some Monkey island projects , and simon the sorcerer for example.