Forum Request

9. October 2006, 13:03
by f2bnp
Hi all.I have a request for this forum.Plz talk ONLY in English cause we don't understand and we have to run to babelfish and translate everything you say.It's not only my request.Imagine someone who is new here and wants to see how the forum is going.He will say:What an awfull forum they all talk German and it is supposed to be international.Plz hear me and do something.Also if you can update the site more often.I usually go at the German site and see that there are many updates that there aren't in the English.Also I saw something about audioshow but since I know very little German I would like to know what it is.Sorry for my long post.

9. October 2006, 14:56
by Der Geist aus der U-Bahn
Now we really need an all english section of this board to finally put an end to posts like that. I already had my 2 cents about english vs german so I´ll spare me a comment about the rest.

9. October 2006, 16:43
by Io
Like the mighty administration entity known as Tooms stated not long ago*, there will indeed be a separate English forum once the game is released. For now, however, he fails to see the necessity of such a fancy globalisation effort, and well, I agree with him on that one. Not only because he signs my non-existing paychecks but because he's pointing a weapon at me... and my hand buzzer has just recently run out of energy. Again.
On a more serious note. I can perfectly understand why you want to understand everything surrounding your most favorite of all fan projects that try to revive the modernized-to-death Broken Sword series by creating a game that flawlessly connects to the better parts of the series, thus taking us back into the year 1997 when adventures were still something you could impress the ladies with if you left out the part with the, uh, computer and created the impression that it was actually you who stopped that evil conspiracy, which wasn't really a lie, technically, although she didn't care about that fine distinction and dumped me anyway as soon as she found out that my name wasn't even George in the first place. Er, now, and that's why all the important stuff is translated into English and some other languages as well, because chances are there might be people in the world who actually speak them, however strange that may seem to us.
Nevertheless, forcing all the German fans and German people involved in this project to deny their mother tongue and to speak English would be a bit harsh. You wouldn't want us to force you to speak German either. I can assure you, German can be a pain in the arse.
But, no, really, you don't miss anything. Lots of stuff in this forum is just chatter without any valuable information at all. It's not in the least bit worth being translated. The important stuff, as always, will be available in the language of your choice anyway. And if some people think that this forum is awful just because we're not international enough, uh, I think the project will survive that major drawback.
*did it in German, though. Might be your point.

9. October 2006, 16:43
by f2bnp
Where exactly have you written your opinion U bahn?Now about Io.I tottaly agree with you but think that even some of the forum source is in German!And something else.Broken Sword 2 was the first adventure I ever played.That's why I wanna know more about 2,5.It reminds of the old good days.And really Broken Sword 3 and 4 suck.I don't think anyone disagrees in this.But only one is sure...
CHARLES CECIL MUST DIE FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
![angry [smilie=angry.gif]](./images/smilies/angry.gif)

9. October 2006, 17:11
by Io
Well, I hope I do understand what you're referring to when I say that you can actually switch the board language in your profile.

9. October 2006, 17:15
by Der Geist aus der U-Bahn
In some topic about the game being released with german speech first.
Besides, there are many many topics on here in english(including this one) that got their questions answered by team members-in english. This board is predominant german, the team is too...switching to all english just doesn´t make sense.