About the release

Allgemeine oder spezielle Fragen zum Projekt.
Broken Sword 2.5: General or specific questions.

About the release

Postby f2bnp » 8. December 2005, 13:08

Please someone tell me something about the release because I can't wait!And don't think that if I hear it,I will go to the sweepstake and submit,because I'm sure that someone else would have! :lol: :wink:
Posts: 25
Joined: 12. November 2005, 20:29
Location: Greece,Irakleio Attikis
Played Broken Sword games: all

Postby Guest » 8. December 2005, 17:14

when it's done :twisted:

so the more important question is: when is it done? :wink:

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