ich verwende das Spiel mit wine unter Linux. Soweit läuft alles relativ gut, nur kommt es mir manchmal so vor als würden einfach irgendwelche Zwischensequenzen manchmal fehlen.
- Code: Select all
LUA: Error in coroutine
LUA: ------------------
LUA: thread: 1BC93928
LUA: /rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:1096: The animation with the handle 10594 does no longer exist.
LUA: stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'Play'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:1096: in function 'DoInjuredGuy1'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:973: in function </rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:973>
LUA: Error in coroutine
LUA: ------------------
LUA: thread: 1BD254E8
LUA: /system/actor.lua:143: The animation with the handle 11135 does no longer exist.
LUA: stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'Remove'
/system/actor.lua:143: in function 'SetAnimation'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:1179: in function 'DoMiranda'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:999: in function </rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:999>
LUA: Error in coroutine
LUA: ------------------
LUA: thread: 1BF34A48
LUA: /rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:1073: The renderobject with the handle 10592 does no longer exist.
LUA: stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'SetVisible'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:1073: in function 'DoLamp'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:967: in function </rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:967>
LUA: Error in coroutine
LUA: ------------------
LUA: thread: 1BE3E390
LUA: /rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:1115: The animation with the handle 10595 does no longer exist.
LUA: stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'Play'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:1115: in function 'DoInjuredGuy2'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:975: in function </rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:975>
LUA: Error in coroutine
LUA: ------------------
LUA: thread: 20C62250
LUA: /system/actor.lua:143: The animation with the handle 11141 does no longer exist.
LUA: stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'Remove'
/system/actor.lua:143: in function 'SetAnimation'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:1151: in function 'DoInjuredGuy3'
/rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:987: in function </rooms/uba/scripts/default.lua:987>
Hat vielleicht jemand einen Tipp, wie ich das beheben koennte? Sind das ueberhaupt Zwischensequenzen, die LUA da fehlen?