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Postby Sanya » 31. October 2008, 22:32

I know this is a German posting forum, but i just had to come and write some comments on the game.

I've played all broken sword games, and i just loved the graphics in the first two.
In the last 2 years I haven't played much games cause i find them boring, and
not innovative... Feels like i've seen it all.

I've seen this game in progress a long time ago, and i LOVED the demo...
With my movement into another city, new work, college etc... i forgot about the wonderful work
you guys do, yet to find today the game is finished... [smilie=thumbup.gif]

I downloaded it and it took me waaaay back to my early ages of pc gaming, adventure games, and Broken Sword.
I just don't know what to say... You did a brilliant job, the game runs flawless, the voice overs are great,
graphics look even sweeter then they looked back in 1996/7...

I wish all of you a very prosperous life, much in your business, as much in your private lives.

once again - thnx for the great game... and be proud of yourselves... be VERY proud!
Posts: 2
Joined: 31. October 2008, 22:25
Played Broken Sword games: All

Re: Thnx!

Postby Audiomaster » 1. November 2008, 01:17

Thanks for your kind words, Sanya!
We really appreciate what you said.
And yes, I am really proud of what the team has achieved.

Have a great time!!!
Michael Rother
Michael Rother
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Location: Königreich (der Ort heißt wirklich so)
Played Broken Sword games: 1-3

Re: Thnx!

Postby Sanya » 2. November 2008, 12:27

Just to let you know... There's no english translation when you
right click the Chocolate in Portugal.

It says No translation found for key "$$POR9186" in "English".
Posts: 2
Joined: 31. October 2008, 22:25
Played Broken Sword games: All

Re: Thnx!

Postby Audiomaster » 2. November 2008, 12:44

Sanya wrote:Just to let you know... There's no english translation when you
right click the Chocolate in Portugal.

It says No translation found for key "$$POR9186" in "English".

Ehm, wrong thread?
Michael Rother
Michael Rother
Posts: 489
Joined: 26. May 2002, 21:37
Location: Königreich (der Ort heißt wirklich so)
Played Broken Sword games: 1-3

Re: Thnx!

Postby daJoe » 2. November 2008, 17:58

thx too, i believe, someone commented on that somewhere else, we will fix that, at least, when we offer the different translations
Johannes Reim
Johannes Reim
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Re: Thnx!

Postby Ziese » 19. November 2008, 21:50

Ersteinmal ein DICKES DANKE für so ein Absolut grandioses Spiel. Da ich die ersten beiden Teile noch habe und sie immer malwieder auspacke und spiele habe ich wie auch viele andere Baphomet Fans sehnsüchtig auf diesen Teil gewartet. Da es ein Fanprojekt ist muß ich ehrlich sagen ihr habt einen verdammt gutes Spiel rausgebracht. Mal sehen was als nächstes von euch kommt. Ich freue mich schon darauf. Nochmals ein dickes Lob und ein dickes Thnx.
Posts: 2
Joined: 19. November 2008, 21:32
Played Broken Sword games: 4

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